Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back By Not So Popular Demand

Im at it again, but this time with a vengeance like some Bruce Willis Die Hard type shit. My first attempt at a comeback failed miserably due to a lack of interest and motivation. This time around I'm fully equipped with ideas, incentives, and my iphone camera. This is going to be a long one since its my first time back but i guarantee you it will be Pringles status. So without further au du (I'm guessing thats how you spell it) I bring you, Revenge Of The Clown Shoes. *clap hands clap hands*

My only day of nothing to do so i usually spend it laying in bed on my macbook or playing video games. I needed a break from the lazy norm so i went out to actually get some shit done. In about a three hour span i was able to get my oil changed, my car washed, take my first trip to Costco and then grab some essentials at Target. 
Oil Change
Nothing really interesting to write about, but i will mention it since i think it's one of the cheaper and faster places around the area. Oil change, oil and filter along with a little window sticker that tells you when your next change should be, all came about to about $25. Phil told me about this place then i told Gina (don't know if she actually went though) and now I'm telling you. Its a 76 right next to SSF high school across the street from Mr. Pizza Man on El Camino if you're interested. 
Car Wash
A little further down El Camino from the 76 is South City Car Wash. Pretty amazing place actually. My dad used to take me there when i was younger and now that i have a car i go there all the time. I always get the aloha wash with armor all on the dash and doors. While they were working on my car, i was waiting there for i kid you not like 30 mins. I didn't realize it was done and none of the workers flagged me down so i pretty much wasted a good 15 to 20 minutes of my life. Then i got to thinking if i should tip the guy or not. I don't really know what a reasonable tip is for car wash people so i usually give about $5. This time around i was a little upset, but i guess i should have been paying attention so i came up with $4 as a reasonable amount.
All i have to say is Costco is the best thing ever. Its my first trip with my own Costco card and i have to admit i was pretty excited about it. I grabbed the usuals: Kirkland white tees, Gatorade, Red Bull, and Cetaphil.(haha) I'm starting to believe the popularity of these white tees is growing since i 1. saw a post about them on The Hundreds blog (wtf?) and 2. noticed that the quality of the shirts is starting to go down hill. I'm assuming the demand is a little to large for the amount of pallets being distributed so they have resorted to making them in a cheaper manner with cheaper fabrics to get them out a little quicker. If you want to buy some i suggest you open the plastic bag and feel the shirt. The fluffy shirts are way better than the smoother silkier feeling ones and if you can clearly see your hand through the shirt you might want to reconsider buying it. Shout out to Drew Mike and Dez's mom for introducing me to my daily attire. When i first entered the store i noticed that the same worker that had hassled marbing and i during a previous trip was checking receipts. After i had made my purchases i was looking forward to showing her my Costco card WITH MY FACE ON IT. Things don't always work out when seeking revenge and to my dismay she wasn't at the door by the time i got done. Brian however, was at the door. You don't know Brian and i didn't either until he recognized me from Gen2 and introduced him self. Shout out to Brian for showing some love and talking to me about dance for a quick min. 

Happy Birthday Nikiya Rivera-Peoples. My sister turned 13 on tuesday and of course she was given those really big birthday balloons at school. Who started that? Its like all throughout k - 12 grade you weren't popular enough and didn't really have good friends unless they brought you balloons. Sofa King We Ta Dead if you ask me. I mean i get the purpose and i appreciate the idea but i don't really believe in the intentions. (after all is said I'm happy she is popular and has nice friends) Didn't really do much today except for the usual 3:00-9:15 at WSPA and some riding afterwards with the rest of the folks over at the garage. Having the sun out for the first time in a long time made the day go so much smoother and to be honest i feel like it made the day more enjoyable the usual. 
Randoms: everybody, andre3000, dance, choreograph, cake, chicken, kimi, pop champagne, teach, dance, adv, red bull, paint job, garage, tecate, tricks, fun.

Started the day by waking up late, but was still able to make it to lunch with marbing. I hate when i set an alarm and forget to switch the pm to am. We went to BJs and i had my first restaurant salad as a meal. It was alright i guess, no actually it was terrible. To much of the same thing over and over again. This was the first time i didn't finish my meal in a really long time. I don't know if i was full or if i just really didn't like what i was eating. After BJs i headed to WSPA to choreograph. When i got there i didn't really feel up to it so instead i took a ride to Stonestown and bought some new half cabs from the Vans store. When i got back Andre rolled through and we rode around Westlake then to Ocean Cyclery  to pick up some tools, tubes, and spacers. Once we got back it was time for APT rehearsal. Jason taught some of his new piece and to be honest i looks really good. Now I'm home and tired of typing so i guess wendesday will end with some COD4. (GT: pottycakes come see me)


First car wash in a good while

Kirkland white tees all day

Cinema like the movies

My new Shoes
bike and shoes close

No Homo

Jason Rillera

APT hard at work
apt j 2

"This is for my number one"
apt j

That's all for now. I plan on keeping this up to date so be sure to check back and use me as a form of procrastination. I would also like to apologize in advanced for the over use of helga in my pictures but i really like it so you will probably be seeing a lot more of it. Later bitches.....



mikefal said...

i like how i got texted that this post was out. it was like getting movie times...but sent directly to you. haha.


Ginacide. said...

i like how i did not get texted that this post was out. huck you, but your pictures are dope, the overuse actually works bc your bg is black. keep postin, i'm ready to get back into this!

steezlo said...

shout out to Brian. hahahaha.