Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Three's A Charm

Its been exactly three months since my last blog. Terrible, I know but honestly I've just been really lazy lately. I need more on my plate to keep me busy. Hopefully I'll find another job. I could use the money over the summer and with less time to sit around I'll definitely be more productive. 

I'm very excited to say that it has been extremely hot for the past couple of days. I love when the sun is out and the weather is nice. For some odd reason it makes everything better. To fully appreciate it, I started the day with some time on my balcony. When my skin started to hurt, I decided to get ready and head out to Stonestown to buy new earphones. I left my apple earbuds in Vegas (yes i went again) and I felt like it was time to invest on another pair. After contemplating between Nixon, WESC, and Skullcandy I finally decided on the "full metal jackets." This is mainly because they are similar to my previous V-modas and if they break Skulcandy will replace them for free.  Right across from the headphone kiosk is Hagen Das. Dulce de leche is by far my favorite ice cream and I couldn't pass up a shake on a day like this. The rest of my day was spent at Carlyne's house. Where I biked, participated in a water fight, ate seniores, drank forties, watched youtube, and played games on my phone. It's currently way to hot to sleep comfortably so i guess ill stay awake and drink orange juice until I'm too tired to care about how much I'm sweating. Shout out to Carlyne, Malari, Gino, Ragalado, Han, Phil, and Bobs for making my Monday a good one. 

Eye Candy

who's down to bomb that hill with me?
outside hill

don't worry i still use the christmas gift when i'm on my mac

doesn't that mean double the milk" - phil
dulce de leche

corner store kiosk minus the stogs/liquor/porno

honestly i prefer it from a jug than a can
orange juice

I'm debating whether or not to make my pictures bigger. What do you think? I will also attempt to be consistent, but we both know its probably not gonna happen.....


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